Monday, July 25, 2016

Movin' to San Diego

San Diego Bound

It's always been our desire to someday put our feet up in San Diego and retire. We were leasing out the family home and while it was getting old it was in decent shape and brought a good stream of income. We had recently updated our home in Porter Ranch. Once it was done we looked at each other and jokingly said to each other it looked great so lets sell.

Be careful what you wish for. 


T was offered a job with the University in San Diego and now we had the chance to go earlier than we planned. We looked for a rental in SD and became quickly dismayed with the prices. But we pressed on   and found a "storage unit" for our stuff and ourselves and our dogs. 

It was an agonizing decision to leave our life of 23 years behind and begin the next chapter of the big adventure. But we closed our eyes and jumped. I had never lived anywhere else. It was time. 

We ordered movers, rented a house, leased our house and made the move 7/25/16. 

And we haven't looked back. San Diego is a wonderful vibrant city with city and coastal beauty combined. 

Now the adventure begins to remodel the house and move in maybe in 2017?

 Stay tuned.